WILSON, N.C. — August 17, 2016 — The BB&T Center for Free Enterprise Education at Barton College promotes innovative opportunities for students to be engaged in and out of the classroom as they gain valuable knowledge and appreciation for an economic system that is based on free enterprise.
The Center, established in 2009 through a generous grant from the BB&T Charitable Foundation, supports a lecture series, which brings nationally prominent leaders in free enterprise economics to the Barton campus each year; a student-led debate on the moral dimensions of capitalism; workshops for teachers in economics; and other opportunities that involve Barton students and the Wilson community in examining economic issues. The Center also oversees the implementation of the course “Capitalism: Implications and Applications,” which incorporates a variety of viewpoints on comparative economic systems.
Scott Evans, Regional President of the Northeastern Region for BB&T, left, and Wes Berry, Market President for BB&T in Wilson, right, present an annual check of $50,000 toward a 10-year $500,000 gift made by the BB&T Charitable Foundation to Barton College to permanently establish the BB&T Center for Free Enterprise Education in the School of Business. In center, receiving the gift on behalf of the College is Dr. Douglas N. Searcy, President of Barton College.