Office of Financial Aid

Invest in Your Success at Barton College Get Started

 Barton College’s Financial Aid

College is a valuable investment, but its cost can be challenging. Barton College’s dedicated Financial Aid staff will guide you in finding the scholarships and aid you need. Wise planning coupled with your scholarship awards can make this important investment a reality.


Supporting NASFAA articles discuss Financial Aid Updates as of 2024:

FAFSA Issues Cause Delay in Financial Aid Awards

FAFSA Data’s Latest Delay: March



Family A

North Carolina student. Single-parent family with dependent student living on campus.



Family B

Out-of-State student. Family of four, one in college. Student living on campus.

Invest in Your Success at Barton College Get Started


See how these sample families reduced their tuition and fees.

Example Family A

North Carolina student. Single-parent family with dependent student living on campus.

Presidential Scholarship $14,000
Presidential Leadership Scholarship $2,000
Federal Pell Grant $2,375
Federal Work Study* $2,000
Outside Scholarship $2,000
Endowed Scholarship $3,500
Subsidized Stafford Loan $3,500
Unsubsidized Stafford Loan $2,000
N.C. Need Based Scholarship $10,000
Total Awards $39,875
Tuition, Room and Board, Fees $51,910
Less Total Award $37,875
Estimated Direct Cost $14,035
*Federal Work-Study is a need-based work program that includes part-time positions on or off campus. Work-Study funds are earned as the student works and are not applied to the student’s account.


Example Family B

Out-of-State student. Family of four, one in college. Student living on campus.

Trustee Scholarship $16,000
Federal Pell Grant $6,695
AVID for Higher Education $2,000
Federal Work-Study* $2,000
Outside Scholarship $2,000
Barton Need Grant $5,033
Subsidized Stafford Loan $3,500
Unsubsidized Stafford Loan $2,000
Total Awards $39,228
Tuition, Room and Board $51,910
Less Total Award $37,228
Estimated Direct Cost $14,682
*Federal Work-Study is a need-based work program that includes part-time positions on or off campus. Work-Study funds are earned as the student works and are not applied to the student’s account.


Other Estimated Cost may include

Books, Course Materials, Supplies and Equipment $650

Miscellaneous Expenses $1,500

Transportation $1,350

Loan Fees $104

Housing and Food Costs may range depending on living arrangements.


Students Receive Financial Aid


$25,649 AVERAGE FINANCIAL AID PACKAGE (Traditional undergrad fall enrollment without loans)

Contact Us

Office of Financial Aid
120 Harper Hall
252-399-6531 (fax)

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