WILSON, N.C. — August 11, 2016 — Barton College welcomed a new class of freshmen and transfers to campus on Thursday, Aug. 11, as parents, grandparents, and siblings helped students move their favorite items from home to their residence halls on campus. The Barton Student Orientation Team was on hand to assist in the move-in process as well as offer directions, advice, or just a cold bottle of water during this 90+ degree weather. Dr. Douglas N. Searcy, president of Barton College, also stopped by to welcome students and help them move in. Later, freshmen quickly found their way to New Student meetings and Student Life activities, providing welcomed opportunities to escape the humid temps outside.
Upperclassmen will return to the Barton campus over the weekend. New students will participate in Bulldog Day activities on Saturday, and in the Service of Induction and Naming on Sunday evening, both long-standing traditions at Barton. The Service of Induction and Naming will be followed by an evening reception for new students at the Barton-Graves House, home of President Douglas N. Searcy and his family.
Classes begin on Monday, followed by the annual “Welcome Back Barton Day” celebration that afternoon for all students, faculty, and staff at the College, hosted by the Wilson Chamber of Commerce and Barton College.