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What Can You Do With An Exercise Science Degree?

People with an Exercise Science degree have a wide range of career options open to them. It’s a versatile degree because the subjects covered make it possible for them to work in many different settings. But what exactly is an Exercise Science degree, and what doors will it open? Here are the facts about a degree in Exercise Science from Barton College and a sampling of jobs that may be pursued with this type of degree. .

What is Exercise Science?

Exercise Science is the study of movement and how the body adapts and responds to it. In other words, it takes a deep dive into how exercise affects the body. This helps professionals better understand the benefits of exercise and the most effective way to use it.

People in this discipline learn about topics such as sports nutrition, biomechanics, motor control and development, sports psychology, and exercise physiology. They also learn how to evaluate risk factors for injury, conduct fitness assessments, develop personalized exercise programs, and teach how to make healthy lifestyle choices.

Clearly, the topics that are studied in Exercise Science are wide-ranging. What sort of jobs call for these types of knowledge and skills?

Careers You Can Look Forward to in Exercise Science

When you see the wide range of topics covered in an Exercise Science degree, it makes sense that it can lead to a wide range of career options. After all, exercise is an important part of life in numerous ways, and in-depth scientific knowledge about it is valuable in many settings. Some of the jobs that people who hold Exercise Science degrees can include:

  • Wellness Director
  • Strength and Conditioning Coach
  • Personal Trainer
  • Health Coach
  • Health Educator
  • Fitness Instructor
  • Exercise Physiologist
  • Rehabilitation Technician
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Physical Therapy
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation
  • Recreational Therapy

In addition to all these options and more, some people choose to earn an undergraduate degree in Exercise Science as the first step toward an advanced degree in a field such as medicine or dentistry. Because it provides a thorough foundation in how the human body functions when it comes to exercise, it’s a good basis for another study as well.

What Does An Exercise Degree Consist of?

A Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science covers a wide range of topics about how the human body works. The coursework takes a deep look at these functions and the processes that support them. At Barton College, some of the classes that are a part of the Exercise Science degree include:

  • Exercise Physiology
  • Exercise Prescription
  • Training Concepts
  • Personal Fitness Training
  • Concepts in Corrective Exercise
  • Kinesiology
  • Psychological and Sociological Bases of Sport
  • Organizational Leadership and Administration of Sport and Health Sciences
  • Health and Wellness in Modern Society

We also require practicum courses and internships to ensure that you have ample real-world experiences to make the most of your academic work. As a whole, the degree program offers a solid foundation in the science and theory behind exercise science, as well as practical experience in how the theory is implemented. Together, the program provides a solid foundation in Exercise Science.

Interested In Exercise Science? Contact Barton College in Wilson, NC Today

If you’re interested in studying Exercise Science, we invite you to see what we have to offer at Barton College.

We work hard to prepare our students for success and offer flexible schedules and online classes to help fit any schedule.

Barton College goes the extra mile to support our students on their journey. Exercise Science can be an advantageous degree, and we would love to help you build upon the future you’re planning. For more information, please contact us today.

Image Source: ESB Professional/Shuttersrock