Weather Advisory 1 — Hurricane Florence


Barton College’s Emergency Response Team is closely monitoring Hurricane Florence and the anticipated storm track models. As a result of newly updated reports, the College has made the following decisions —

CLASS AND ACTIVITY CANCELLATION SCHEDULE  – All classes and all campus activities (including Athletics’ practices and competitions, as well as all departments’, schools’, and campus organization activities) will be canceled beginning at 12 p.m. (Noon), on Tuesday afternoon, September 11, 2018, to allow students the opportunity to safely travel home to be with their families for the duration of the storm. We anticipate the College will resume its normal operating schedule on Monday, September 17, 2018. (Please monitor College updates as noted in the list below.)

CAMPUS OFFICES’ CLOSURE SCHEDULE – College Offices will close at 12 p.m. (Noon) on Wednesday, September 12, 2018.  Essential personnel will remain on duty as assigned by their supervisors.

RESIDENTIAL STUDENTS  – All residential students are required to register with Residence Life Staff about where they will be staying during the storm period. Residential students are highly encouraged to either travel home or find a friend with whom they can stay. Students who are evacuating should be checked out of the Residence Halls by Tuesday, September 11, at 5 p.m. Please note that the Office of Residence Life will be sending an email directly to all residential students with further instructions by 6 p.m. tonight.

  • MOVING TO DESIGNATED SPACE DURING STORM – Residential students who cannot leave campus during the storm period will move to a designated shelter location on campus during the storm. Plan to bring a pillow and blanket, a change of clothes, and other necessities needed for a duration of 24 to 48 hours.
  • DURING THE STORM – Students remaining on campus must abide by storm-related guidelines, which require everyone to remain in the designated shelter space on campus during the emergency. Please note that students will not be able to return to their residence hall rooms until the Vice President for Student Engagement and Success has given permission. Food Service will be provided at the storm shelter location on campus.
  • MEAL SCHEDULE – For residential students who cannot leave campus, please be advised that meal service will continue on a regular schedule on Tuesday evening, and meals for the remainder of the week will be served according to the weekend serving schedule: Brunch from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., and Dinner from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.

VEHICLE OWNERS – Anyone leaving a vehicle on campus during the storm period should move the vehicle to a paved parking lot on high ground, including the Hackney/Waters (H) Parking Lot, the Main Entrance (A) Parking Lot, the Hackney Library (B) Parking Lot, or the Ragan Writing Center (O) Parking Lot.  ***DO NOT leave vehicles on grass or unpaved parking lots or in any parking lots along ACC Drive, where heavy flooding occurs, including the Hamlin Student Center/Bookstore (E) Parking Lot. 

MONITORING THE STORM AND ANNOUNCEMENTS – The College will continue to monitor the weather conditions. Students, faculty, and staff will be notified by email, web site (, social media (;;, and the inclement weather message lines — (252-399-6868) for students and (252-399-6600) for faculty/staff — for updates regarding the College’s operating schedule. Television stations: WRAL, WNCT, WITN, and WNCN will receive our updates. We also have been told that WRAL will share updates with FM radio station 101.5, and WITN will share updates with FM radio stations 93.3. and 95.1.


Please stay safe, and use good judgment and caution during this storm period.

Thank you,

Kathy Daughety

Office of Public Relations