WILSON, N.C. —March 30, 2021 — Barton College will welcome poet Emilia Phillips for the upcoming Victor R. Small Writers Series Lecture on Tuesday, April 13. The lecture will be held at 7 p.m. in Howard Chapel on campus. This event is free and open to the public. Seating will be limited to 50 attendees. All those attending the lecture must wear face masks and observe social distancing protocols.
Phillips is the author of four poetry collections from the University of Akron Press: “Embouchure” (2021),
“Empty Cup” (2018), “Groundspeed” (2016), and “Signaletics” (2013). Her four chapbooks include “Hemlock” (Diode Editions, 2019), “Beneath the Ice Fish Like Souls Look Alike” (Bull City Press, 2015), and “Bestiary of Gall” (Sundress Publications, 2013).
Her poems, lyric essays, and book reviews appear widely in literary publications including “Agni,” “American Poetry Review,” “Gulf Coast,” “The Kenyon Review” “New England Review,” “The New York Times,” “Ploughshares,” and “Poetry.”
Phillips earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in English at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga an her Master of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing at Virginia Commonwealth University. Winner of a 2019 Pushcart Prize and a 2019–2020 North Carolina Arts Council Fellowship, she currently serves as an assistant professor of creative writing in the Master of Fine Arts Writing Program and the Department of English at University of North Carolina Greensboro.
She also is currently working on two projects: “Wound Revisions,” a collection of lyric essays, and a fifth collection of poems.
The Victor R. Small Writers Series is sponsored by the Barton College School of Humanities and the Department of English and Modern Languages. For additional information, please contact Dr. Rebecca Godwin, Elizabeth H. Jordan Endowed Chair for Southern Literature, at (252) 399-6364 or rlgodwin@barton.edu.