WILSON, N.C. —November 11, 2020 — Let the lights of the season shine. The time-honored tradition of Barton College Luminaries ushering in the Christmas season will provide a bright note even in the midst of a pandemic. While the College is not able to provide its traditional Lighting of the Luminaries and Service of Lessons and Carols this year as a result of COVID-19, the campus community has planned a very special alternative opportunity for the College’s hometown community of Wilson to enjoy this year.
On Tuesday, Nov. 17, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., members of the greater Wilson community are invited to come to campus for a special Drive-Through Luminary Celebration beginning at the Lee Entrance crescent drive, entering from Vance Street, proceeding along the Alumni Promenade to the Centennial Alumni Bell Tower, and then circling around and departing by the A.C.C. Drive exit.
Participants will remain in their vehicles as they proceed along the candle-lit drive, while at various points along the route different student groups will perform and engage with visitors as they pass by in their vehicles. Participating student groups include the Cheer Team, Dance Squad, and the Blue Flame student organization. Barton’s beloved Bulldog Mascot “Blue” will also be on hand to greet campus guests that evening.
At the end of the luminary route, the Barton Cheer Team and other campus volunteers will be available to safely receive donations for Hope Station and St. John CDC (Community Development Corporation). Participants visiting campus are encouraged to bring any of the following items, which will be delivered to Hope Station and St. John CDC: headphones, hula-hoops, child-sized masks, child-sized disposable gloves, non-touch thermometers, canned vegetables/beans, dried beans, cereals, pasta, pasta sauces, pudding cups, paper products, feminine hygiene products, and disposable diapers/wipes.
This event is sponsored by the Barton College Office of Student Life on campus. For additional information or questions, please contact Jeff Tilson, Assistant Dean for Campus Life and Residential Services, at jstilson@barton.edu or 252-399-6592.