WILSON, N.C. — March 3, 2020 — Barton College’s Light of Life Series is pleased to present “A Day of Enrichment,” on Tuesday, March 10. This day will provide a time for learning, renewal, and reflection for clergy, church lay leaders, and the general public. Two distinguished scholars, Dr. Judith Newman and Dr. Patrick Reyes, will be the featured lecturers for this highly anticipated spring event that will include one of Barton’s endowed spring religion lectureships as well as the more recently established Light of Life Series Lecture.
Barton College’s Light of Life Series was begun as an initiative by President Douglas N. Searcy, as a way to reach out to the faith community through lectures and forums that address significant issues facing the church.
This event, to be held in Howard Chapel on the Barton College campus, will include lectures at 10 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. Attendees do not have to attend both lectures to participate. These lectures are open to the public at no charge, and the community’s clergy and church lay leaders are encouraged to attend.
The E. G. Purcell Bible Conference will open “A Day of Enrichment” at 10 a.m., with Dr. Judith Newman, Professor in the Department for the Study of Religion, Emmanuel College, in The University of Toronto. The title of her lecture is “Why Did Paul Pray? Shaping Communities Through Prayer.” This topic relates to her recent research and book titled “Before the Bible: The Liturgical Body and the Formation of Scriptures in Early Judaism” (Oxford, 2018). She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Princeton University, the M.A.R. from Yale Divinity School, and the Ph.D. from Harvard University.
At 1:15 p.m., Dr. Patrick Reyes, the Director of Strategic Partnerships for Doctoral Initiatives at the Forum for Theological Exploration, formerly the Fund for Theological Education, will deliver the spring Light of Life Series Lecture. The title of his lecture will be “From Stars to Constellations: Creating Conditions for the Next Gen to Thrive.” He received a doctorate and a master’s degree from Claremont School of Theology, and a Master of Divinity degree from Boston University School of Theology. He authored “Nobody Cries When We Die: God, Community, and Surviving to Adulthood (Chalice Press, 2016).
For additional information about this event, please contact Dr. Rodney A. Werline, Marie and Leman Barnhill Endowed Chair in Religious Studies at Barton College, at rawerline@barton.edu or 252-399-6447.