Communication Timeline for Barton’s Response to the Coronavirus
April 2 – Chaplain of the College Shares Pastoral Message and Leads Online Prayers for the Barton College Community
April 1 – Update 11 Video Message to Students About Remote Classes and Academic Study
The tenth message is sent to Barton College students from Dr. Gary Daynes, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
- This video message offers encouragement to our students and urges perseverance while they continue their studies remotely. To view the video message, visit and then scroll down to the “FOR STUDENTS” section.
- Dr. Daynes shares details about the upcoming Day of Scholarship, which will be held virtually on April 7. This will be an opportunity for faculty and students to showcase research and study during this academic year.
March 31 – Chaplain of the College Leads Online Prayers for the Barton College Community
March 30 – Update 10 Important Message from the President
- President Searcy offers encouragement and support to the campus community and reiterates details shared in his printed message posted on March 27.
View the President’s Video Message to the Barton College Community at
March 29 – Barton Communication to Parents (8)
Eighth Parent Message sent. (From Dr. Joe Dlugos, Dean of Student Life)
- This latest Parent Message outlines similar information as shared with students on March 27. (See timeline.)
- Dr. Dlugos also shares that he will discontinue email updates being delivered twice per week, and he will only send out emails when there are significant developments.
March 27 – Update 9 Important Message from the President
- President Searcy sends a message to students, faculty, and staff, noting that as Barton continues to navigate these uncharted waters, the College remains steadfast in its commitment to this campus community.
- He notes his gratitude for the partnerships the College shares with the Wilson County Health Department and others across the state as their guidance continues to help the College determine next best steps moving forward.
- Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Barton’s decisions have been guided by two key priorities: to make sure its students, staff, and faculty are safe, and to provide an excellent education in a rapidly changing environment.
- Barton College classes will continue in remote delivery through the end of the semester. For many students, this will mean continuing in the remote courses that began a week ago. For others, end-of-the-semester activities will need to be adjusted in order to ensure that the course outcomes are met. We are committed to ensuring that students meet the learning outcomes for all of their courses.
- Commencement will be postponed until the end of Fall Semester 2020. The date for the commencement ceremony will be announced in the upcoming weeks. Postponing the commencement does not impede students from graduating. All students who have applied for graduation and met graduation requirements will receive their Barton diplomas by mail at the end of the spring semester in May. More details about the date of commencement will be forthcoming.
- All public and College-sponsored events that were scheduled on campus during the rest of spring semester are either postponed or cancelled. Event organizers will be in touch with their audiences about postponement or cancellation.
- With the Governor initiating a state-wide shelter at home order, Barton employees will move to a work from home option with a small contingency of essential personnel working on campus, as allowed by the essential services provision of the Executive Order. College resources will continue, and constituents should check email regularly for information about ongoing programs and services. A small number of students remain on campus and will shelter-in-place at Barton.
- To assist with the hardships associated with COVID-19, work study students employed with the College as of March 13, 2020, will have their pay continued based on the schedule of hours submitted by their supervisor. This means whether students have performed work or not worked due to the COVID-19 caused interruptions between March 13, 2020 and April 29 (last day of previously scheduled classes), the College will issue this pay for time scheduled to work. Students will see direct deposits made to their bank accounts on file with payroll during the regular pay dates of April 24, and May 25 if applicable.
- Barton is reviewing room and board charges for the spring semester in order to extend partial credit as appropriate. Students who have room or board plans will hear from the Business Office by April 10th about any account adjustments.
- Even while traditional courses and on-campus services are changing, we will continue to meet our mission. The College is committed to providing personalized service during this period of remote operations. Watch, for instance, for a virtual Day of Scholarship that goes live on April 7, as well as other opportunities to stay connected to the Barton College community.
- Information continues to be provided on Barton’s Coronavirus Response webpage at where you will find contact information and links for additional resources and support.
March 26 – Chaplain of the College Sends Pastoral Message to Barton Community
- The Chaplain provides an opportunity for remote prayer this evening. (Refer to email for call-in details.)
- The Chaplain shares a community prayer that he delivered remotely earlier today. To view, visit this link at
- Many faith communities are offering online worship and prayer opportunities, including First Christian Church (DOC) of Wilson. You can find their Sunday worship service on their website and you can also share prayers to their prayer wall.
- Students, there is a Pastoral Care module in the Canvas Remote Learning Course with other resources, and you can schedule a (remote) appointment with the Chaplain at
March 25 – Barton Communication to Parents (7)
Seventh Parent Message sent. (From Dr. Joe Dlugos, Dean of Student Life)
- Parents are reminded that remote coursework for students is fully underway. They are asked to encourage students who haven’t connected with their faculty to do so as soon as possible.
- It is noted that an email message has been sent to students earlier regarding the process for filing for unemployment with links provided if they have recently lost their jobs.
- Residential students have been sent an email that explains how to submit requests for forwarding their mail.
- Parents are asked to encourage their students to follow their Barton email for updates from the College related to academic and scheduling matters.
March 24 – Remote advising and registration kick-off in Canvas (online)
Registration for Summer and Fall 2020 will open at 3:30 p.m. as follows:
- Courses will open to Honors/APP/PSO/Master’s students on Tuesday, March 31
- Courses will open to Seniors on Thursday, April 2
- Courses will open to Juniors on Tuesday, April 7
- Courses will open to Sophomores on Thursday, April 9
- *All Professional Studies courses will open to HN, AP, SR, JR on Tuesday, April 14
- Courses will open to Freshmen on Thursday, April 16
- **All Professional Studies courses will open to all students on Friday, April 17
March 23 – Chaplain of the College Sends Pastoral Message to Barton Seniors
March 22 – Barton Communication to Parents (6)
Sixth Parent Message sent on March 22. (From Dr. Joe Dlugos, Dean of Student Life)
- Dlugos reiterates the fluidity of campus operations as the College continues to follow best practices as recommended by the Wilson County Health Department and the CDC as the situation evolves.
- Parents are reminded that remote classes began on March 20. Faculty members have been diligent in transferring curriculum to a new platform and introducing modified protocols to enhance the academic experience for Barton students during this difficult time. Students may contact faculty if they have any technology challenges.
- Following guidance from the Wilson County Health Department, Barton alerts students on March 19 that residence halls would be closing by March 22 at Noon. Students could move belongings out by that date or have the option of returning to campus at a late date when more convenient. Students who were unable to move because of extenuating circumstances are invited to stay through a special accommodation process, and the College will continue to house, feed, and care for them until they can get back to their homes.
- Barton’s communications team has released a section on the College website strictly dedicated to updates. This site will be updated regularly, even while the College continues its regular communications.
- Barton College is committed to making decisions based on two commitments: for students, staff, and faculty to be safe, and for the College to continue to provide excellent education, rooted in the Barton Experience, to all of its students, whatever the circumstances.
March 20 – Remote Classes Begin
- Barton resumes classes through remote instruction for the next two weeks.
- Students will be notified no later than March 30 about the extension of remote learning.
March 19 – Update 8 Barton Coronavirus Response
President’s Message is Posted and Coronavirus Website Page is established for Barton College Community
In this eighth message, Barton College announces a website landing page for information and updates regarding the Coronavirus.
- Click here to view the President’s Message —
- This will be an evolving site that will be further developed and enhanced in the coming days and weeks.
- The link is and is also available in the first banner slide on the Barton website’s front page.
March 19 to June 1 – Time extended for Residential Students to Move Belongings from Residence Halls.
Students with specific questions that have not been addressed in earlier emails should reach out to your Area Director for guidance:
- Hilley Hall and Wenger Hall – Mr. Gaven Mayo,
- East Campus Suites, Hackney Hall, and Waters Hall – Ms. Samantha Davenport,
March 19 – Update 7 Barton Coronavirus Response
Regarding Residence Halls on Campus
The seventh message is sent to residential students. A similar message is sent to faculty and employees) from Dr. Joe Dlugos, Dean of Student Life.
- Barton College is closing all residence halls to all students, with the exception of those who must remain on campus, by 12 p.m. on March 22. Those who need to stay on campus can apply to stay by using this form.
- Students can choose to check out of their room with Housing Staff or wait to do so in the coming weeks. (Answers about room/board credits will be addressed in coming weeks.)
- Barton College recognizes that many students will have questions about belongings in rooms.
For students still remaining on campus:
You may pack up everything and complete an in-person, formal checkout with Residence Life Staff. The RAs on call can be reached by the phone numbers on the residence hall doors;
Or you may pack up everything and complete an express check out by using the envelopes that are in each residence hall lobby;
Or you may leave your items in your room and complete a check out sometime in the coming weeks. The College will work with you and keep your items safe.
- Students with specific questions that have not been addressed in this email should reach out to your Area Director for guidance:
Hilley Hall and Wenger Hall – Mr. Gaven Mayo,
East Campus Suites, Hackney Hall, and Waters Hall – Ms. Samantha Davenport,
March 19 – Chaplain of the College Sends Pastoral Message to Barton College Faculty
March 19 – Chaplain of the College Leads Online Prayers for the Barton College Community
March 19 – Update 6 Barton Coronavirus Response
Barton College Message: On Resuming Classes
The sixth message is sent to the Barton College campus community (students, faculty, employees, and adjunct instructors) from Dr. Gary Daynes, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
- Classes resume remotely on March 20. Students are instructed to contact faculty if they have any issues accessing course content. Barton is providing resources and policies to support students.
- The College is also adjusting policies to make the rest of the semester work. The College has adjusted the timeline for advising and registration. Students have received information about those dates already. We have extended the deadline for non-punitive withdrawal from a class to the final day of classes for the semester. Watch emails for updates on other policy changes.
- The College’s policy is to continue remote instruction for at least two weeks. Students will be notified no later than March 30 about the extension of remote learning.
March 18 – Barton Communication to Parents (5)
Fifth Parent Message sent. (From Dr. Joe Dlugos, Dean of Student Life)
- Message contains current updates regarding operating procedures on campus to serve students still remaining in residence halls.
- There is one confirmed case in COVID -19 in Wilson County. There are no positive cases on the Barton College campus. The College continues to engage best practices for the safety and health of the campus community.
- The Culinary Center has moved to a to-go style service where students may choose their foods and receive the meal in a container to take outside or back to their rooms.
- The message also confirmed the technology support for students as they prepare for remote academic instruction. If students have any issues, they should report those to their faculty who will work with them to ensure they can complete their assignments.
March 17 – Chaplain of the College Leads Online Prayers for the Barton College Community
March 15 – Barton Communication to Parents (4)
Fourth Parent Message sent with similar information as shared with students on March 15.
(From Dr. Joe Dlugos, Dean of Student Life)
March 15 – Update 5 Barton College Coronavirus Response
The fifth message is sent to the Barton College campus community (students, faculty, employees, and adjunct instructors) from Kathy Daughety, Director of Public Relations.
- Barton College reports that all Coronavirus test results for members of the campus community are negative.
March 15 – Barton Communication to Parents (3)
Third Parent Message sent with similar information as shared with students on March 12.
(From Dr. Joe Dlugos, Dean of Student Life)
Parents are also notified that they will begin to get updates every Wednesday and Sunday from Dr. Joe Dlugos, Dean of Student Life.
March 13 – Announcement made to cancel Admissions Visits for the month of March
- Open House for Prospective Students and Families on March 20 is canceled.
- Alternative decisions have been made for the Admissions Team to meet prospective students and families virtually. Campus Faculty and Staff are invited to these virtual meetings to enrich the experience for the students and their families.
- Virtual Appointments may be scheduled through the Admissions Counselor, Financial Aid Counselor, Faculty, or Student via Google Meet. Please select a date and time on this calendar: . Your Admissions Counselor will send a link to access the call at the student’s scheduled time.
- For any additional questions or concerns, please contact the Office of Admissions at (252) 399-6317, your Admissions Counselor or
March 13 – Chaplain of the College Sends Pastoral Message to the Barton College Community
March 12 – Barton Communication to Parents (2)
Second Parent Message sent with similar information as shared with students on March 11.
(From Dr. Joe Dlugos, Dean of Student Life)
March 12 – Update 4 President’s Message to Barton College Community
The fourth message is sent to the Barton College campus community (students, faculty, employees, and adjunct instructors) on behalf of Dr. Douglas N. Searcy, President of Barton College.
- President Searcy reiterated that Barton College is taking steps to ensure the health and wellbeing of the campus community.
- Following consultation and guidance from the Wilson County Health Department, the College announces a pause in classroom instruction beginning at 6 p.m. on March 12.
- All College sponsored events are canceled during this pause.
- Classes will resume remotely beginning on Friday, March 20 at 9 a.m. Faculty will be in touch directly with students by email no later than March 18 to share instructions for moving forward in academic studies during this pause.
- Barton announces that several members of the campus community have been tested for COVID-19. They are in quarantine and being closely monitored. No results from the tests yet. Those in close contact with these individuals have been contacted.
- Students may return home during this period of time. Those who choose to stay may do so by completing a form to confirm their presence on campus.
- Employees continue to report to work for a normal office operating schedule at this time.
March 11 – Update 3 Barton Coronavirus Response
The third message is sent to the Barton College campus community (students, faculty, employees, and adjunct instructors) from Kathy Daughety, Director of Public Relations.
- This message provides the campus with guidance on event planning, travel, campus operating schedule, internships/field placements/clinical placements, employee considerations, and membership of the Coronavirus Task Force, as well as contacts for general and medical inquiries.
- The College continues a normal operating schedule at this time.
- Contact Information is reiterated for students and employees.
March 10 – Update 2 Barton Coronavirus Response
Barton College Continues to Proactively Prepare the Campus
The second message is sent to the Barton College campus community (students, faculty, employees, and adjunct instructors) from Kathy Daughety, Director of Public Relations.
- Information from the first message is reiterated, while also noting that a Coronavirus Task Force has been created to meet regularly to help guide forthcoming decisions for the campus community.
- Discussion is underway regarding the possibility of distance learning options if in-seat classes need to be canceled. The Wilson County Health Department will advise the College if this is necessary.
March 4 – Barton Communication to Parents (1)
First Parent Message sent with similar information as shared with students on March 4.
(From Dr. Joe Dlugos, Dean of Student Life)
March 4 – Update 1 Barton Coronavirus Response
The first message is sent to the Barton College campus community (students, faculty, employees, and adjunct instructors) from Dr. Joe Dlugos, Dean of Student Life.
- The health and safety of our students and employees is a top priority for Barton College.
- Barton College continues to work closely with the Wilson County Health Department in actively monitoring this situation and preparing to respond according to guidelines and directives by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
- At this time, the College continuing normal operations and following the directives of the Wilson County Health Department and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
- Symptom Information is shared in this message, as well as instructions about what to do if experiencing symptoms.
- Prevention of illness measures are included.