WILSON, N.C. – Please join the Barton College community for a “Blessing of the Animals” service to be held on Sunday, Nov. 9, at 3 p.m.. There is no charge, and the surrounding community is invited to attend the service.
Each year, on or around the date of the Feast Day of Saint Francis of Assisi, a number of churches mark the occasion by having a service of blessing of the animals. Theologically, its purpose is to testify to the sacredness of all of creation, to celebrate its richness and variety and, more specifically, to acknowledge the importance of animals, especially companion animals, to our own spiritual growth and development. The service involves the literal blessing of animals by the priest or minister.
Barton’s “Blessing of the Animals” service, to be led by the Reverend Hollie Woodruff, will last approximately 20 minutes and will take place on center campus. All pets are welcomed, but please consider the wisdom of bringing aggressive animals. Please leash all pets as appropriate. Large animals also are welcomed, but they must be led onto center campus and not ridden. Clean-up supplies and water will be available.
For additional information or questions, please contact Rev. Woodruff at 252-399-6368 or email: hewoodruff@barton.edu.
Questions? Please contact Kathy Daughety, director of public relations, at 252-399-6529 or email: kdaughety@barton.edu.