WILSON, N.C. — “Think Pink! Fight Like a Bulldog!” That’s the cheer on Barton’s campus as the Barton College Association of Nursing Students (BCANS) raises awareness and funds for breast cancer research on campus and throughout the Wilson community. BCANS will host the fourth annual “Think Pink! Fight Like a Bulldog!” event at Barton on Tuesday, Oct. 30, from 11:15 a.m. until 2 p.m. on center campus. The community is invited to participate.
A variety of activities have been planned to help raise awareness and funds for the event. The Cornhole Tournament will begin at 11:15 a.m. Teams of two may enter at $2 per team. Winners of each game will be entered into a raffle for two $10 WalMart Gift Cards.
Belk of Wilson has donated a Keurig Coffeemaker to be raffled off at the BCANS’ “Think Pink! Fight Like A Bulldog!” event. Other raffles include three themed baskets: a “Spa Basket” and a “Study Basket” by the nursing faculty, as well as a “Bulldog Spirit Basket” sponsored by Barton and a basket sponsored by the Air Force Health Professions Office. Raffle tickets will be sold for $1 each, or six tickets for $5, or 20 tickets for $15.
Additional donations supporting BCANS’ fundraising effort for breast cancer research may be made online at the Susan G. Komen for the Cure web site at https://secure.info-komen.org/site/Donation2?idb=1260268346&df_id=8084&FR_ID=2659&PROXY_ID=13800012&PROXY_TYPE=20&8084.donation=form1.
“Think Pink! Fight Like a Bulldog!” t-shirts will be on sale for $12 each. Pink ribbons and pink paw prints honoring breast cancer survivors and in memory of loved ones also will be available for $1 each. Other activities will include face painting, distribution of shower hangers for self breast exam instructions, and a Q&A session with an expert in the field of breast health.
Participants are also invited to celebrate their passion for pink by finding creative pink attire to wear that day. One hundred percent of the proceeds from the “Think Pink! Fight Like a Bulldog!” event will be sent to Susan G. Komen for the Cure. the 56-member nursing student organization hopes to raise $1,000.
“For every $100 donated, one mammogram is provided to save a woman’s life,” shared Holly Clayton, public relations chair of BCANS and a junior nursing major from Oxford.
“BCANS members are committed to raising awareness and funding for breast cancer research,” added Nicole Norman, president of BCANS and a junior nursing major from Raleigh. “According to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure web site, there will be over 200,000 women and over 2,000 men diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States in 2012. ‘Think Pink! Fight Like A Bulldog!’ will be a fun opportunity for the Barton and Wilson communities to get involved and help make a positive difference.”
Questions? Please contact Kathy Daughety, director of public relations, at 252-399-6529 or email: kdaughety@barton.edu.