WILSON, N.C. — October 20, 2023 — The Barton Art Galleries at Barton College is excited to host the Friends of Visual Arts Fall Lecture featuring Jennifer Finkel, Ph.D., Acquavella Curator of Collections at Wake Forest University. The event will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 25, at 6 p.m., in the Barton Art Galleries in Case Art Building on campus.
In her lecture, “Wake Forest Art Collection: Reflecting the Times,” Finkel will discuss her work as a curator for collections at Wake Forest University.
This event is open to the public at no charge, and the community is invited to attend. For additional information, please contact the Barton Art Galleries at artgalleries@barton.edu or call 252-399-6476.
About the Speaker —
As the Acquavella Curator of Collections at Wake Forest University, Finkel oversees the university’s art collection of nearly 2000 objects. She is responsible for the stewardship, care, and conservation of the collection. She works with faculty across departments to integrate the art collection into curriculum, providing students with opportunities for direct engagement with original works of art.
This past year, Finkel published a catalogue on Wake Forest’s renown student-art buying contemporary collection to commemorate the program’s 60th anniversary and launched a free digital art guide on Bloomberg Connects. She also recently completed a $1 million fundraising campaign that established an endowed conservation fund for the collection.
From 2005 to 2019, Finkel served as Curator of Cleveland Clinic’s contemporary art program, where she was responsible for procuring artwork for the hospital, overseeing art installations and site-specific commissions, and curating quarterly rotating exhibitions. At Cleveland Clinic, she also managed several research studies related to the effects of contemporary art on patient outcomes and has authored and co-authored articles related to these research findings.
Finkel earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., and completed her Master of Arts degree and a Ph.D. from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.