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Barton Students Among Phi Beta Lambda State Conference Winners

WILSON, N.C. — May 4, 2022 — Barton College was well represented at the 68th annual North Carolina Phi Beta Lambda (NC PBL) State Leadership Conference held earlier this spring. Ten Barton chapter members competed and placed in 13 of the competitive events during the conference, and four Barton students will represent the College at the National Leadership Conference in Chicago, June 24-27.

Chapter Members Recognition —

First Place honors at the state conference were awarded to Pat Farist from Hickory in Financial Concepts, Katelyn Grant from Wilson in Justice Administration, Jayden Smith from Winter Garden, Fla., in Networking Concepts, and Savannah Penny from Zebulon in Retail Management.

Second Place honors went to Adam Casey from Selma in Impromptu Speaking and in Sales Presentation, Katelyn Letchworth from Elm City in Sport Management and Marketing, and Smith in Retail Management.

Jasper Cruz from Nashville placed third in Computer Concepts and in Marketing Concepts, as did Farist in Personal Finance, and Penny in Networking Concepts.

Jazel Mendoza from Virginia Beach, Va., placed fourth in Impromptu Speaking.

Grant placed fifth in Cyber Security.

Seventh place in Accounting Principles went to Esmeralda Aranda-Garnica from Wilson and eighth place in Accounting Principles went to Amy Gutierrez-Luviano from Sims.

Chapter Recognitions — 

Barton College’s Gamma Gamma chapter was recognized for local recruitment of Professional Division-Foundation members (10 or more PD-F members). In addition to receiving the NCPBL Gold Seal Chapter Award, the Barton chapter was recognized with The Legacy Leadership Award. The chapter received first place honors for both the Largest Local Chapter Delegation and the Largest Local Chapter Membership for the Eastern Region, and it also earned first place honors for the Largest Local Chapter Membership in the Professional Division for the Eastern Region. The Gamma Gamma chapter earned second place for its Local Chapter Business Report.

Barton College’s delegation was also recognized for meeting state goals for contributions to the NCPBL Foundation, Inc. Scholarship Fund; maintaining or exceeding local chapter membership (as compared to the previous year); and for meeting state goals for the NCPBL Foundation, Inc. General Fund contribution.

The Barton Chapter of PBL was founded in 1961 and has competed at the North Carolina Phi Beta Lambda (NC PBL) State Leadership Conference for the past 61 years.

Recognition of Chapter Advisors — 

Barton’s Phi Beta Lambda advisors were also recognized for their steadfast commitment and years of service. Ron Eggers, Dean of the School of Business, has served as lead advisor for 34 years. Kathy Turner and Sue Mathewson have served as co-advisors for two years, and Navi Pooni has served as a co-advisor for one year.

For additional information about the Gamma Gamma Chapter of Phi Beta Lambda, visit https://www.barton.edu/business/phi-beta-lambda/