WILSON, N.C. – The Barton College/Wilson Symphony Orchestra will present their annual Fall Concert on Sunday, Nov. 21 at 3 p.m. in the Lauren Kennedy and Alan Campbell Theatre on the Barton College campus. The orchestra, conducted by music director Mark N. Peterson, will perform two standards of the classical repertoire: Haydn’s celebrated Symphony no. 94 “The Surprise Symphony” and Beethoven’s thrilling Piano Concerto No. 5 “The Emperor.”
Haydn, known for his musical wit, frequently featured musical jokes in his symphonies, and a sudden fortissimo chord in the otherwise soft second movement is the most famous of these jokes. Beethoven’s fifth and final piano concerto is known throughout the English speaking world as the “Emperor Concerto,” the nickname given by Beethoven’s English publisher to describe the concerto’s grand dimensions. Performing the Beethoven piece with the orchestra will be the dynamic young pianist Patrick Kreeger. “I have known Patrick since he was a high school student here in North Carolina,” said Peterson. “He was the one winning every student competition in sight, and it is wonderful to welcome him to our stage at this point in his career.”
Giving his Carnegie Hall debut at age 17, Kreeger enjoys a versatile career as both a pianist and organist. A native of Jacksonville, Fla., Kreeger began his music studies at age three with Barbara Broach (piano) and later with Dr. Gerson Yessin, the founding chair of the University of North Florida’s Music Department. Kreeger began organ lessons at age 12 with Jim Wood (a protégé of E. Power Biggs.) Upon moving to Greenville, N.C., in 2004, Kreeger furthered his piano and organ studies with Dr. Henry Doskey and Colin Andrews, respectively. At age 18, he was enrolled as a full scholarship student in the renowned Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia.
In addition to his studies at The Curtis Institute, Kreeger maintains a busy performance schedule. In demand as a soloist and chamber musician, past and current seasons have included performances at Carnegie Hall (N.Y.), Benaroya Hall (Wash.), Meymandi Hall (N.C.), St. Patrick’s Cathedral (N.Y.), Verizon Hall (Philadelphia, Pa.), Peterborough Cathedral (United Kingdom), and Cook Hall (The Netherlands), as well as many other churches and performance halls around the U.S, U.K., and Canada. Kreeger gave his symphonic debut in April 2008, performing Sergei Rachmaninoff’s first piano concerto under the baton of Maestro William Henry Curry and the North Carolina Symphony. He has also performed with the Musica Sacra Chamber Orchestra in Denver, Colo.
Kreeger’s stylistic playing has garnered notice and praise in numerous competitions. A first-prize winner in both the American Protégé International and the Bradshaw & Buono International Piano competitions in February 2009 and May 2007, respectively, he also earned first place in the North Carolina Symphony Concerto Competition in April 2006. The Bronze Medalist of the 2009 Seattle International Piano Competition and the winner of the Chopin Award, he also won first prize in the 2009 Augustana/Reuter National Organ Competition. Kreeger was one of seven national finalists in the Music Teachers’ National Association Senior Piano Competition in March 2007. In addition, he won first place in both the East Carolina University Piano Competition and the East Carolina University Organ Competition in March 2007 and March 2008, respectively. As a church musician, Kreeger currently serves as head organist for Leverington Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, Pa.
Admission for the fall orchestra performance will be $10 at the door or by season ticket. All students within the community will be admitted free of charge as well as faculty, staff and students of Barton College. For additional information, please contact Laura Ashley Lamm at 252-399-6309 or email: lalamm@barton.edu.
Questions? Please contact Kathy Daughety, director of public relations, at 252-399-6529 or email: kdaughety@barton.edu.