WILSON, N.C. — March 1, 2021 — The 18th Annual Caregiver Education Conference will be held on Tuesday, March 9, remotely this year for participants. The online conference will begin at 9 a.m. and conclude at 1 p.m. This conference will be free to all caregivers, family members, students, and interested individuals.
The Gerontology Program at Barton College, Dementia Alliance of North Carolina, and the Upper Coastal Plain Area Agency on Aging Family Caregiver Support Program will again partner to present the conference.
For additional information and to register, go to DementiaNC.org/Wilson2021. For anyone seeking CEU’s, the conference will offer 2.5 CEUs for a fee of $15. Register as a “professional caregiver” to receive the CEU’s.
The conference will feature two presentations by North Carolina native Teepa Snow, a national dementia educator. Snow has been a featured speaker for the conference over the years, beginning with the first conference in 2004, while she was employed with the Alzheimer’s Association.
The Barton conference, and the series of caregiver conferences conducted across North Carolina, owe their origin to the late Joseph D. Russell, M.D. The Caregiver Education Conference at Barton is generously supported through an endowment that Dr. Russell established in memory of his mother, Lillian Hester McDaniel Russell, who served as a caregiver for her husband, Norman, following his stroke and, later, declining health. This year’s conference is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Joe Russell and his wife Sarah Anne Poole Russell, and in honor of all family caregivers. Special recognition is extended to the Russell family for supporting this conference since 2003.
The goal of the conference is to explore various techniques and strategies caregivers can use to care for themselves and for individuals with dementia, to identify resources to assist in developing routines and programs to meet their needs, and to explore recent and effective assessment, treatment, and care options.