WILSON, N.C. — Willis N. Hackney Library, on the campus of Barton College, will host its eighth annual Open House on Thursday, August 22, from 4-6 p.m. to welcome new and returning students, as well as faculty, staff, and friends of the College to view the most recent updates for the library and the recently relocated Office of Student Success. The event, sponsored by the Barton College Friends of Hackney Library, is also open to the public.
At 5 p.m., there will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony in recognition of the new circulation workstation that was recently installed as part of a first-floor renovation. The circulation workstation was funded in part by the Barton College Friends of Hackney Library and additional donors of the College.
Themed “A Day of Connections,” the Library’s Open House will encourage the campus community to make connections with Library and Office of Student Success faculty/staff, with the various services available, and with fellow students and faculty/staff. In addition, improvements to the library facility and new electronic resources and tools, including a new library web site, will be unveiled to the public. A new display of student art will also be on view in the library’s gallery space.
This year’s Open House will also highlight Barton College’s 2013 FYS Summer Reader, “Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption” by Laura Hillenbrand, which features the triumphs and tribulations of Louis Zamperini, American Olympic athlete and World War II POW. In recognition of the historical period explored in the book, an exhibit will be on display in the library showcasing various World War II-era artifacts from the College’s own archives, which focus on campus life during the same period of Zamperini’s life depicted in “Unbroken.”
For additional details about the 2013 Hackney Library Open House, please contact George Loveland, director of Hackney Library, at 252-399-6501 or email: gwloveland@barton.edu.
Questions? Contact Kathy Daughety, director of public relations, at 252-399-6529 or email: kdaughety@barton.edu.