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Center for Vocation and Rural Ministry Offers Thriving in Ministry Program for Eastern N.C. Ministers

WILSON, N.C. — November 1, 2021 — The Center for Vocation and Rural Ministry at Barton College is pleased to invite pastors of small rural congregations in Eastern North Carolina to apply to become participants in its “Thriving in Ministry” program for the 2022 cohort experience. This experience will allow pastors opportunities for reflection, cohort building, and provision of short-term sabbatical experiences.

Ecumenical in nature, the Center provides opportunities for reflection, spiritual direction, cohort building, visioning, and restoration while experiencing leadership renewal.

Participants will have access to ongoing college sponsored development and ministerial edification. There is no cost to participants.

Twelve positions will be available during the first cohort. Applications are due no later than January 18, 2022. The application form may be accessed at www.barton.edu/cvrm.

For additional information about the Center for Vocation and Rural Ministry and its cohort programs, please contact the Reverend Malinda Fillingim, Director of the Center for Vocation and Rural Ministry, at mdfillingim@barton.edu or 252-399-6357.