Wilson, N.C. — Barton College Phi Beta Lambda students were recognized with top honors at the recent 2011 Phi Beta Lambda National Leadership Conference held in Anaheim, Calif.
Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda (FBLA-PBL), the largest and oldest student business organization, hosted over 1800 college business students and advisers from around the country and the world for its annual conference and the FBLA-PBL Institute for Leaders. Eight students represented Barton College at the event.
Michole Brown, a junior from Wilson, Sarah Casey, a freshman from Kinston, Tara Myers, a junior from Smithfield, and Jonathan Strother, a senior from Henderson, graduated with honors from the two-day FBLA-PBL Institute for Leaders. Brown currently serves as the 2011-2012 North Carolina Phi Beta Lambda State Secretary/Treasurer.
George Black, a senior from Greenville, garnered first-place honors in Project Management and placed third in Contemporary Sports Issues.
Kathy Turner, a senior from Wilson and Michelle Cox, a senior from Youngsville, teamed to earn second place for their Community Service Project and teamed to place ninth in their evaluation of a Business Ethics case.
Charles Watson, a senior from Middlesex, merited fourth place for his Free Enterprise Project and placed eighth in Justice Administration.
Myers and Brown placed ninth in resolving a Human Resource Management case.
The chapter’s Local Annual Business Report, authored by Strother, placed eighth.
Also competing were Myers and Strother in Business Decision Making, Strother in Accounting Analysis and Decision Making, Brown in International Business, and Casey in Word Processing.
In addition to receiving the Gold Seal Chapter Award of Merit, the Barton College chapter was commended as an Outstanding Chapter and a contributor to the national philanthropy, the March of Dimes. Strother, Brown, and Myers were acknowledged for their efforts in increasing local chapter membership.
The awards are part of a comprehensive competitive events program sponsored by FBLA-PBL. Individuals, state teams, and local chapters were encouraged to compete in any of the over 50 different events representing a wide range of activities and the business and leadership development focus of FBLA-PBL. The winners of these highly competitive and prestigious awards were selected from among FBLA-PBL’s membership of approximately 11,000 students and represent the best and brightest of today’s college scholars.
Chapter advisers Teresa Parker and Ron Eggers accompanied the members and administered competitive events.
Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda, Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) education association with a quarter million members and advisers in 12,000 chartered middle school, high school, and college chapters worldwide. Its mission is to bring business and education together in a positive working relationship through innovative leadership and career development programs. The association is headquartered in Reston, Virginia, just outside Washington, DC. For more information, visit www.fbla-pbl.org.