Degrees Offered:
Bachelor of Science
Degrees Offered:
Bachelor of Science
The TA to Teacher program, offered through the Professional Studies program, is designed for individuals currently working in school districts as teacher assistants who wish to transition to lead teaching roles. TA to Teacher candidates can continue to work as TAs throughout the entirety of the program; and when the time comes, they can complete their student teaching experience in their own school or even their current classroom placement (with district approval).
Learn essential skills to reach your students and more effectively maximize their learning.
Receive individualized coaching to manage/organize yourself, your time, and your classroom.
Belong to a cohort of likeminded professionals who support one another throughout the program experience.
Gain the confidence needed to blaze the trail to become not just a better teacher, but a teacher leader.
Earn Your Bachelor of Science Degree
EDU 223: Learners and Learning in the 21st Century
EDU 321: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment for Residency Teachers
EDU 451: Classroom Management
GEN 290: Critical Conversations
EDU 225: Introduction to Exceptional Children
EDU 320: Language Arts and Social Studies for Lateral-Entry Teachers
MTH 210: Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics *
EDU 361: Elementary Reading *
EDU 439: Math and Science Methods for Residency Teachers
GEN 301: General Education Capstone
EDU 331: Teaching Diverse Learner for Residency Teachers
EDU 333: Instructional Technology for Residency Teachers
SWK 345: Racial and Ethnic Relations
EDU 303: Children’s and Adolescent Literature
EDU 421: Mastering the edTPA
EDU 452: Education Capstone
EDU 453: Submitting the edTPA *
EDU 470: Student Teaching
* These one-hour courses are designed to help students prepare for licensure tests and passing the edTPA.
NOTE: Barton College core courses for Elementary Education must be fulfilled, so additional core courses may be required. A minimum of 56 credits of prior coursework is required. A minimum of 126 semester hours is required for graduation. Of those 126 hours, a minimum of 32 hours must be taken at Barton College. All licensure tests and edTPA must be passed for completion.
The 2023-2024 tuition rate for this program is $318 per semester hour. Preferred pricing available to Wilson County Teacher Assistants.