Frequently Asked Questions
What are the hours of the Admissions Office?
Our regular hours are 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please call 1-252-629-5472 or click here to schedule a visit.
When may I visit the campus?
The best time to get a firsthand look at Barton is during one of our Open Houses, which we hold throughout the school year. Individual tours are also available at 9:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Monday through Friday. To schedule an individual visit or register for an Open House, contact the Admissions Office at 1-252-629-5472 or submit your request online.
Does Barton accept Advanced Placement credit or International Baccalaureate Diploma courses?
Yes! Both AP and IB classes are accepted for credit at Barton. To be exempt from any class, you must score a 3 or better on the AP exam. If you’re enrolled in IB classes, you may also be granted advanced credit according to the score received. (Please refer to our catalog for specific information concerning AP and IB testing and placement.)
What about health care at Barton?
The Lee Student Health Center offers health and counseling services to students, faculty, and staff. For full information on the services and scheduling, visit the Lee Student Health Center page.
What are the Residence Halls like?
The campus houses five residence halls and one off-campus apartment complex. The amenities are generally the same for all residence halls and include air conditioning, Internet access, basic cable, and washer and dryer facilities. More information is available here.
Do I have to live on campus?
All students are required to live on campus until they have completed six (6) semesters of post-secondary education unless they meet one of the acceptable criteria to commute from home.
What is there to do on campus?
Students have more than 50 student clubs and organizations from which to choose – everything from academic and religious life organizations to Greek life and service groups. Let’s not forget the Campus Activities Board (CAB), which brings more than 40 different events to campus each semester such as on-campus movies, musicians, entertainers, and road trips to nearby theme parks.
Can freshmen have cars? How much are parking permits?
Yes, all students may have cars. Each vehicle must be registered with the Campus Police. Parking permits are included in your tuition and fees.
Do I have to buy a meal plan?
Yes. As a residential student, you must purchase a meal plan, and there are several plans to choose from. We also offer plans that work in conjunction with the BC Bistro, our campus grill and coffee station; and Market C, our grab and go snack market.
What type of computer should I bring with me?
You may bring either a PC or a Mac. Both will work in the residence halls. For technical questions, contact the Technology Requirements on Campus.