Barton College Pathway Programs

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Theatre Action Guild


Ready to step into the spotlight? With Broadway and regional talent backing this program, the stars are the limit, and you will hit the ground running upon arrival. Your first year at Barton is not about easing into the scene; it’s about propelling yourself into the spotlight. 

You’ll dive into an environment that fosters creativity, encourages innovation, and shapes your future in theatre. Imagine learning the art of performance with insights from the best in the business. Theatre at Barton is more than just a major; it’s an immersive experience that bridges the gap between academia and the electrifying world of professional theatre.

What better way to get started in your theatre experience than with Theatre Action Guild (TAG), our Pathway program for those who love theatre. TAG creates an easy way for new students (freshmen and transfers) to bond quickly with others who share their passion for theatre, and to do so in a way that is fun and engaging. TAG meetings are typically held monthly, and require no homework, no papers, and no tests!

Imagine knowing, even before you get here, that you will have an instant set of new friends (current and new students) who share your interest. TAG is led by Barton Theatre faculty who also share that passion, and it provides a fast-track to getting involved in theatre productions at Barton, on stage and behind the scenes. In addition, TAG students get to take advantage of Barton’s regional and professional connections to see outstanding performances, engage in workshops with technicians, be introduced to the business of theatre, and begin building an important network of theatre professionals. TAG is designed for both theatre majors AND for students in other majors who love theatre and want to be involved. Come join us for some great fun and some spectacular performances!