Orientation for Online Courses

Part 3 – Technical Support

Where to Go for Help

As an online student, sometimes it is difficult to know whom to contact when issues or problems arise. When a problem arises, ask yourself if this is a technical problem or a course management issue. The help desk can assist you with all technical problems but may not be able to assist you with a course management issue. Your professor will be contacted with these types of issues, so you may want to first contact your professor.

Barton College’s Information Technology Department provides a help desk for technical support issues. Students may call 252-399-6436 for assistance with computer or software problems. Also, you can submit a support ticket. (You will need to be logged into Campus Connect to process the ticket.)

Use the following as a guide when trying to decide whom to contact for help.

Type of Problem


Accessing quiz Your professor
Finding your course or an item in your course
Submitting an assignment
Computer is crashing I.T. Help Desk
Cannot log into system
Computer not playing video

Using Windows vs. Apple

Most Barton faculty use a Microsoft Windows computer, but there has been an increase of Apple usage among students. Sometimes, compatibility issues arise when using Apple and Windows computers in the same environment. If you will be using an Apple computer, here are some common issues to watch for:

Submitting Assignments

  • Most of your faculty will ask you to submit a Microsoft Word or PowerPoint file for your assignments.
  • Use only letters, numbers, dashes, or hyphens for the file name (e.g. File1-Name2.doc).
  • If you are using Microsoft Word/PowerPoint for the Mac, be sure the file you submit has the proper file extension:
    • .doc / .docx / .ppt / .pptx
  • If you are using a program other than Microsoft Office, be sure to export to the file type your instructor wants. Keynote will export as a PowerPoint file, and Pages will export as a Word file. Remember to add the file extension!

Watching Videos

  • Many videos (streaming video or video lectures) are being converted from a Windows Media format (.wmv) to an .mp4 format. Should you encounter a video that is not readable by your system, please contact your professor and/or Technology Support Services.

Campus Resources for Online Students

Here is a list of possible resources you may need as an online student:

Feedback and Suggestions

You have completed the Orientation for Online Courses!

If you have any feedback or suggestions, please share them with us here. We value your input.

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