The Georgia Brewer Campion Center

The Georgia Brewer Campion Center for Academic Success provides the academic support services of Barton College and houses the Sam and Marjorie Ragan Writing Center, the Oral Communication Center, and the Quantitative Literacy Center.


The Sam and Marjorie Ragan Writing Center


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Oral Communication



Quantitative Literacy


Academic Support Services

Learning and Success Coaching

Students who have previously performed well in the most challenging courses on campus provide learning support to assist current students in their academic success. Additionally, first year students only are eligible to have extra assistance from a success coach to ensure that they have successful academic skills. Learning and Success Coaches may be accessed through Canvas by clicking on the Help Button in the left, blue navigation bar and scrolling to the Campion Center Link.

Supplemental Instruction

Supplemental Instruction (SI) is a series of weekly review sessions for students taking historically difficult courses. SI is provided for all students who want to improve their understanding and performance in the course. It gives students a chance to compare notes, discuss important concepts, develop strategies for studying, and test each other. Two weekly study sessions are facilitated by SI Leaders, upperclass students who have successfully completed these courses and have been recommended by the faculty for the position. SI Leaders participate in the course for a second time to develop relationships with students and refresh themselves on the material. SI offerings vary each semester. Students should check with the Campion Center or the professor of the course to see if SI is being offered.

Pear Deck Tutoring

Barton partners with Pear Deck Tutoring (formerly TutorMe) to offer tutoring online in some subjects. Every Barton student has his/her own Pear Deck account that can be accessed through the left navigation bar in any Canvas class by clicking on the help button and scrolling to the Pear Deck link (Barton ID required). Questions about Pear Deck may be directed to the Campion Center.
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