About the Barton Art Galleries

The Barton Art Galleries, comprised of the Lula E. Rackley Gallery and the Virginia Thompson Graves Gallery, Exhibition Halls and Permanent Collection Gallery, support the College’s mission to provide programs and opportunities to inspire the intellectual, spiritual, social, and cultural development of its students as well as communities in the surrounding region. The Barton Art Galleries serve as a teaching resource for Barton’s students, faculty, staff and the community at large.

Nationally and internationally recognized contemporary artists whose work has been exhibited at the Barton Art Galleries include: Sarah Blakeslee, Tseng Kwong Chi, Sherrod Barnes Duggan, Horace Farlowe, Taj Forer, Leslie Fry, Arthur Ganson, Richard Green, Marcus Hamilton, Paul Hartley, Mark Hewitt, Hanna Jubran, Juan Logan, D. W. Mellor, Bill Menschew, Louis Orr, Hobson Pittman, Ben Shahn, Clarissa Sligh, France Speight, Lowell Toistedt, and Burk Uzzle.

All exhibitions take place during the academic year and are open and free to the public. Gallery exhibitions and lecture series are funded in part by the Virginia Thompson Graves Gallery Endowment and the Friends of Visual Arts Endowment and FOVA members.

Visitor Information

Open mid-August to mid-May
10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Monday – Friday

252-629-5472 x6477

For further information, please contact Maureen O’Neill, director of exhibitions, at 252-399-6477 or email artgalleries@barton.edu.

The Barton Art Galleries are located in the Case Art Building on the southeast corner of the Barton College Campus, near the intersection of Whitehead and Gold Streets.

The galleries operate on a schedule, which coincides with the Barton academic year. Generally the galleries are open from mid-August to mid-May and are occasionally open for receptions and events during the summer months. View the Barton College Callendar for specific dates and closings. Additionally the gallery is closed between exhibitions and during major holidays.

Exhibition openings, lectures and other special events usually fall outside of these hours and are listed under the specific event’s information page.

For further information, please contact Mauree O’Neill, director of exhibitions, at 252-399-6477 or email artgalleries@barton.edu.

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