Publicity and Media Guidelines
When Requesting External Publicity or Media Publicity for an Upcoming Event or Activity
- Alert the Office of Public Relations early about the upcoming event. A four-week notice is appreciated; however, the Director of Public Relations will work with offices and/or organizations as much as possible when the notice is shorter.
- Prepare a detailed list of information about the upcoming event including name of event, purpose of event, date, time and location for the event, names of the featured speakers and/or entertainers and a brief biography of the featured guests, cost for the event, any specific details that would enhance the press release including teasers about the program or lecture, a list of musical selections, topics for discussion, etc. High Resolution photos and/or art files are required if artwork is to accompany press release submissions.
- Also note the targeted audience and the geographic location perimeter for press release distribution – local and/or regional newspapers, television stations, high schools, churches, etc. as well as a list of email addresses if other than traditional media contacts.
Guidelines for Media Contact
Please remember —
- Barton College requires all media contacts, related to Barton College, to be made through the Office of Public Relations. Media representatives are required to seek permission through the Office of Public Relations prior to visiting the Barton College campus.
- Barton College expects employees and students to direct all media inquiries and requests for media coverage through the Office of Public Relations. This includes all requests for publicity of events and news announcements.
- Employee cooperation in supporting this policy by asking the media to direct all initial inquiries and requests for campus visits through the Director of Public Relations will help the College to better manage its communications network. The Office of Public Relations will gladly assist with publicity for upcoming events and news announcements.
- When the College is contacted by the media, the Office of Public Relations will coordinate the media visit to campus or direct the phone inquiry to the appropriate office for the information requested. The Director of Public Relations will call the appropriate office to give the person advance notice that the media representative would like to speak with him/her. If the employee or student prefers not to speak to the media, then the PR director will redirect the call.
REMEMBER, you are NEVER “OFF THE RECORD” when speaking to a media representative, whether on campus or off campus.