Alumni Services

Atlantic Christian and Barton College alumni, we are here to serve you. As former students of the College, you have access to a number of services to help you stay connected and to show your Bulldog pride.

Reunion and Affinity Events

Barton’s Alumni Association provides support services to help alumni who share a common interest stay connected to each other and to Barton. Affinity groups who wish to have a reunion as part of Homecoming Weekend should contact us. We’ll also consider support for affinity group events during other times of the year. To find out more, give us a call at 800-422-4699 or email

Area Alumni Gatherings

Meet other alumni in your area! The Alumni Office can help you organize a gathering of Atlantic Christian and Barton College alumni in your particular city. If you have an interest in gathering with fellow alumni in your area, contact us at 800-422-4699 or email us at

Transcript Request

Would you like a copy of your transcript? The Office of the Registrar has a transcript request form available for you.

Career Services

Thinking about a career change? Need to polish up your resume? Our Career Services office offers a wealth of free information and advice for our alumni. You’ll find a complete list of services here.

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