Elementary Education Residency Program

Summer, Fall, and Spring Classes Online


Be More Effective

Learn essential skills to reach your students and more effectively maximize their learning.


Be Less Stressed

Receive individualized coaching to manage/organize yourself, your time, and your classroom.


Be Part of a Community

Belong to a cohort of likeminded professionals who support one another throughout the program experience.


Be Yourself

Discover ways to use your prior experience/education as a unique skillset to be a teacher leader.

Cost: $331 Per Credit Hour

Courses and Sample Schedule

Summer I

EDU 321: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
EDU 451: Classroom Management

Fall I

EDU 320: Language Arts/Social Studies Methods
EDU 322: Coaching
MTH 210: Fundamental Concepts of Math *

Spring I

EDU 361: Elementary Reading *
EDU 413: Coaching
EDU 439: Math/Science Methods

Summer 2

EDU 331: Teaching Diverse Learners
EDU 333: Instructional Technology

Fall 2 or Spring 2

EDU 453*: Submitting the edTPA

* Course specifically designed to prepare candidates for licensure exams/requirements.

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Residency Program FAQs

What is expected of a residency teacher?

Residency candidates are offered a one-year residency license that can be renewed twice (three total years). Within that three-year span, residency teachers must complete an educator preparation program (EPP) like Barton’s, pass all required licensure exams, and pass the edTPA portfolio.

Do I enroll in an EPP before being hired?

Yes. All residency candidates need to be actively enrolled in EPP courses before being hired as a residency licensure teacher. However, school systems can choose to offer you a permit to practice or emergency license as a one-year alternative if needed in order to provide time for you to become enrolled in a residency program while you begin your teaching career.

What do I need to be able to participate in an online program?

Each residency program requires prerequisite content courses. If an applicant has not met the content requirements, the School of Education will work with the person to make a plan to meet the requirements and be eligible to enroll in the program when the prerequisites have been met. Also, a minimum GPA of 2.7 is required. If a potential student does not meet the requirement, the School of Education may provide a plan to allow the student to have an opportunity to reset the GPA in order to be eligible to enter the residency licensure program upon successful completion of the prescribed requirements.

A personal computer with a good internet connection, a headset (or just earbuds if your computer has a built-in mic), a webcam (often built into the computer), and updated free Adobe Flash Player software.

Do I have to be a classroom teacher to begin Barton’s program?

No. It certainly helps as some courses are available only to residency teachers and are designed to allow you to integrate strategies in your classroom. It is required for the coaching support offered in EDU 322 and EDU 413. While it is not a requirement for admission to the program, it is required for program completion and eligibility for licensure. Those seeking employment after program completion may choose to complete a semester of student teaching in lieu of the coaching courses.

Do I have to start in the summer?

Although we recommend staring in the summer and following a cohort throughout your time with us, it’s not mandatory. Starting the program in the fall is an option. Each course is offered only in the semester indicated in the sample schedule above. We will help you plan accordingly.

Are there residency pathways for other areas of licensure?

Yes. We also offer residency licensure in Elementary Education, Special Education: General Curriculum, and Special Education: Adapted Curriculum.

About the Curriculum

Barton College’s Elementary Education Lateral-Entry Program was developed with input from curriculum experts in the Wilson County School System and provides lateral-entry teachers with the skills to become operational as soon as possible.

The first semester focuses on classroom management, including understanding and aligning standards, pacing guides, and creating lesson plans.

The second semester focuses on improving curricular skills and ensuring that you have the math skills you need, as well as helping you prepare for licensure tests. A coaching component is built into the second semester, with a minimum of three classroom visits by your professor.

The third semester focuses in depth on teaching math, science, and reading.

The final semester emphasizes differentiation, diversity, working with special needs students, and the inclusion of technology as a teaching tool.

The total program is designed to address the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards and the North Carolina Teacher Education Specialty Area Standards in Elementary Education.

About Required Licensure Tests

In order to clear the residency license and earn a North Carolina Professional Educator’s Continuing License, all residency elementary education teachers must pass the Pearson N.C. Foundations of Reading exam and either the Pearson N.C. General Curriculum Math Subtest or the Praxis Mathematics Content Knowledge (7803) Exam. Elementary education residency teachers may take their licensure exams at any time; however, Barton College’s program helps elementary education residency teachers prepare to meet this requirement in an intentional, sequenced manner.

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