Frequently Asked Questions for Math Readiness Tests
What are the Mathematics Readiness Tests?
The Mathematics Readiness Tests help identify the first mathematics course a student should take at Barton College. Course placement ranges from Fundamentals of Algebra through Calculus.
Do I need to take the Mathematics Readiness Test?
All students are required to complete the Math Readiness Test 1 regardless of transferrable credit through college credit courses.
Should I prepare for Math Readiness Test 1?
It is strongly recommended that students review before taking the test. Students should try the practice test and review as needed. Students are expected to know the basic rules of algebra and elementary formulas.
How long is Math Readiness Test 1?
The test contains 25 questions, and students will be given 60 minutes. Students may leave once they have completed the test.
How do I complete the Math Readiness Test?
Review the Math Readiness Test instructions.
What should I do if I cannot answer all the questions?
A student may not be able to answer all the questions on the test. There is no penalty for incorrect answers; students should attempt to answer all of them. However, random guessing is strongly discouraged. Students who do not achieve a score of 18 or better on Math Readiness Test 1 will need to take MTH 100 (Fundamentals of Algebra). Students must score 60% or above to place into upper-level math courses.
May I take the test more than once?
A student may take the test twice. The second attempt has to be within six (6) months of the first. Freshman students are required to begin their first mathematics course no later than their third semester of enrollment at Barton College. Transfer students are required to begin their first mathematics course no later than their second semester of enrollment at Barton College.